2008 is behind us – thank heavens! And like me, I’m sure you’re looking forward to brighter expectations in 2009. Many of you might have been pink-slipped or living in the shadow of fear wondering when the axe will fall. So perhaps you’re on the watch for ways and means to augment your current income with perhaps an online business? One of the best ways to succeed in an online business is through Teleseminars.

Statistics indicate that 8000 people in the US embark on an online business everyday. What is distressing is that 90% fall by the wayside very shortly. But that need not happen to you. You need to work out a clear plan to succeed in the coming year. One of the best strategies is through the medium of Teleseminars.

Wikipedia’s definition of a teleseminar is an emerging method of communication with a group of individuals with similar interests by offering information and training towards promotion and sale of products. In essence it is a seminar which is conducted over a bridge or conference line. The interaction is usually recorded for delivery at some later date.

Reason # 1 and the most compelling reason to opt for teleseminars in the current year is that they are outside the purview of recession. The expenses are minimal, no travel, no hotel bills, no additional cost by way of food and entertainment for your invitees. Businesses have to stay alive and people still need to learn which makes teleseminars a winning proposition for all concerned.

Reason # 2 why teleseminars are ideal is the low cost involved in marketing them. It is not too difficult to promote them in forums, social media sites and from your list. You could even team up with others of similar interest and split the cost. Several enterprising entrepreneurs have made thousands for a marketing investment of as little as $ 50.00.

Teleseminar for Online Business Success.

Reason # 3 is obvious – product sales generation. As a forerunner to a telecourse you could do a free teleseminar or use it to refer your listeners to a sales page. Once you become well known your calls need not be free.

Reason # 4 is to establish your credibility. No better platform can be found than teleseminars to broadcast your expertise. The more teleseminars you conduct the more you will be in demand and the sooner you will become an accredited leader in your field.

Reason # 5 for teleseminars is list building. When you sign people up you are creating a list. A responsive list is one of the most important aspects for online success.

Reason # 6 is traffic generation, another important ingredient for success in working on the internet. On your sales material include several links to your website. You have to hang the tantalizing carrot of a freebie to attract your prospects, which will help build your list. Get the idea of where this is going?

Reason # 7 is that teleseminars are flexible, have a number of different purposes and can be altered to suit in several diverse ways. You can save then up to be transcribed later into an eBook. You can record them for course material that you can sell at a later date. You could write saleable articles for training in the future.

I hope after this little discourse I have convinced you of the efficacy of teleseminars in promoting yourself or your products. A friendly suggestion to help you on your way: Learn from someone who has mastered the art and used teleseminars to make a mint of money doing them.